Sustainable Commitment
Our Projects

Sustainable Commitment

We strengthen the roots of our teas

As a family-run company, our aspiration is to help the families without whom our products would not exist. Let’s take you with us on a journey into the world of our teas. We source over 200 different plant varieties from more than 90 countries for our teas. To do this we rely on the best quality and sustainable production. Our heart’s desire is to sustainably improve the living conditions of the people in the growing areas. That is why Meßmer supports numerous ETP and Rainforest Alliance projects with all its strength. The idea behind many of these projects is to generate long-term improvement by helping people to help themselves. We would like to present some of these approaches in more detail here.

Meßmer is committed to a sustainable and responsible tea industry

Meßmer is part of the “50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders” initiative „50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders“ (Link to Youtube:  50 Sustainability and Climate Leaders), an international group of companies that have taken a leading role in sustainability and climate protection. This cross-industry initiative has set itself the objective of making a considerable contribution to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. As pioneers in their industries, these companies show what strategies and measures they actively deploy to create a sustainable future as well as inspiring others to follow in their footsteps. Meßmer has been actively driving forward the development of a sustainable and responsible tea industry for may years now, with specific project work and powerful partnerships.

This is how we support the families in the growing regions.

Together for a better future.

Link to Youtube: 
50 Sustainability and Climate Leaders

Improving people’s quality of life

The only way to get sustainable raw ingredients is with sustainable and reliable partnerships with the local people. For many years now, we have been contributing to the quality of life of the people in our growing regions and supporting them with specific aid projects.

Our projects at the source of our tea.

Paying the local tea pickers and small farmers wages that secure their livelihoods is an essential element of a better life. We also promote observance of social standards, improvement in working conditions and equal opportunities, training of workers and strengthening of cooperatives. Our commitment is based on the “helping people to help themselves” approach. Here you will find a selection of the projects that we support..


For better working conditions and a tea industry that secures people’s livelihoods

Malawi is one of the most important cultivation areas for black tea and green tea. The “Malawi 2020” project, set up together with the ETP, supports plantation workers and small, self-employed farmers. We are working towards establishing living wages for the raw ingredients that we source from Malawi and we pay a voluntary additional supplement to ensure that the people there are fairly paid. As part of the project, over 200 farmer field schools provide more than 6,000 small farmers the knowledge they need for the sustainably successful cultivation of tea. And this acquired knowledge pays for itself, as in 2020, 10% more tea from Malawi could be sold compared with the previous year. Savings plans and micro-loans have also brought about greater economic self-determination for almost 5,000 small farmers.


Wells and water for families

The Mbire district of Zimbabwe is a large cultivation area for hibiscus, one of the most important ingredients in our fruit teas. Water is a precious commodity here, as it is one of the driest regions in the country. People often have to walk a long way to get to a spring or a river. In the „Mbire Water Project“ (Link to Youtube) Meßmer is working together with long-standing partners to provide a reliable and clean supply of drinking water for 1,000 small farmers and their families – that’s almost 5,000 people altogether. Together with the local communities, ten locations were chosen where the wells are to be built. Particularly the women, who are responsible for fetching the water, receive training in drinking water hygiene. These wells are maintained by the inhabitants of the villages themselves, through water management committees. By providing local support, we are enabling the people in the region to be able to live from tea cultivation and secure our raw ingredients for the long term.


A better future for a whole region

As part of the “Improving Lives” project, together with the ETP and UNICEF, we have been supporting the improvement of the living conditions in Assam – one of the most important tea-growing regions in the world – since 2014. Directly and indirectly, this programme is improving the lives of around 250,000 women, girls and boys. In the first phase, 35,000 girls were given the means to better protect themselves from violence, abuse and exploitation. They support each other and actively encourage the necessary social change in 350 girls’ groups. In the meantime, the programme has been significantly extended and embraces additional areas such as education, health and hygiene. Boys, too, are explicitly addressed, as they can contribute a great deal towards breaking down traditional role models. Through improvements in the water supply, the sanitary system and health care, the project has reached more than a quarter of the tea plantations in Assam. This makes it the largest project of its kind in the region.


For the improvement of local working conditions

The collection points for the ingredients collected in the wild for us in Georgia, are largely located in unspoilt country, far away from any civilisation. So our collectors have to drive around two hours to reach the places where these plants grow. Our collectors have been equipped with weatherproof clothing with the support of a UTZ award. There are also some mobile shelters available to protect them against any sudden rainfall. This way, their work conditions have been significantly improved.


For the protection and conservation of the ecosystem

An unspoilt ecosystem is only possible with healthy bee colonies. Plants can spread and biodiversity can be preserved as a direct result of their pollination flights. That is why small farmers in Paraguay are being equipped with beehives and colonies of bees. There are also workshops in bee-keeping, biodiversity and pollination services in the cooperative, so the people who live there become aware of the significance of a healthy natural environment.


For the protection of our growers and collectors

The lime blossom collectors in Bulgaria often climb into the lime trees without any protective equipment – and this is a risk to their lives. Regular safety training is organised on site through UTZ, so the collectors are aware of the risks and are protected against any accidents and injuries. Through the training it is also possible to safeguard these workers and fit them out with the necessary equipment.

Our projects in Germany

Supporting the next generation

We are also active in Germany, where we support child and youth care, people with disabilities and charitable activities in our region in the Greater Hamburg area with the Spethmann Stiftung. Since 2004, we have been helping young people in difficult conditions to start vocational training through the “Future through Training” programme.

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The roots of our teas

from leaf to your cup

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Sustainable raw ingredients

powerful partnerships and shared responsibility

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One cup more sustainable

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