The history of the Meßmer brand

Eduard Meßmer opened a grocery and delicatessen shop in Baden-Baden with an exquisite selection of black teas. The Meßmer name was soon to become a byword for well-chosen, best quality.

Eduard Meßmer became purveyor by appointment to the court of Kaiser Wilhelm I with various types of tea.

Otto Meßmer (born in 1858) opened a branch in Frankfurt am Main, specialising in the national trade in tea.

Otto Meßmer had “Thee Messmer” registered as a trademark, creating the very first tea brand. These selected tea specialities were much appreciated throughout the land.

Otto Meßmer changed the trademark to “Meßmer’s Thee”.

The brand logo was redesigned and acquired its characteristic brand ribbon.

The Ostfriesische Tee Gesellschaft took over the Meßmer company and brought the brand to Hamburg.

The brand logo was modernised by turning the brand ribbon into a roof. The brand slogan became "Your day is like your tea".

Green tea came onto the market in teabags.

Meßmer changed over to knot technology on their teabags and eliminated the need for metal staples.

The whole brand identity was totally redesigned. Since then, the brand slogan has been “Meßmer makes the moment”. This year the first Meßmer country teas – Ovambo and Inka – were introduced.

The first white tea was introduced to the market in teabags.

The Meßmer MOMENTUM store opened its doors in the HafenCity district of Hamburg.

The Meßmer brand identity was totally redesigned.

Meßmer began direct dialogue with its followers on Facebook.

Meßmer was the only tea provider to change its entire range over to sustainable raw ingredients.

We increased our raw ingredients from more sustainable cultivation to 50%.

All Meßmer black teas and green teas – and all Meßmer fruit and herbal infusions – have been made from up to 70% more sustainable raw ingredients since May 2017. The goal was to source up to 100% of our tea raw ingredients from sustainable cultivation by 2020

The Meßmer brand slogan was revised and is now “Meßmer makes my moment”.

The new Meßmer Tee packaging stood out in a fine shade of blue and could be found straight away in the shops. No-one needed spend much time looking for our tea with the new packaging design.

We were getting even closer to our target and were now already sourcing 50 to 70% of our raw ingredients from more sustainable cultivation.

We began selling our sustainable teas in Austria.

Meßmer introduced sparkling Cold Tea. The first Meßmer tea that fizzes.